Good Gay Poets Press

Good Gay Poets Press (1972-1984) was run by poet, historian, editor, and activist Charley Shiveley. Born out of the activity of the Gay Liberation Front, Good Gay Poets was dedicated to publishing the work of gay and lesbian poets, include some of the early work by poets John Wieners, Salvatore Farinella, Walta Borawski, David Eberly, and Maurice Kenny, among others. These titles, now long out-of-print, are restored here as scanned PDF files so that they might be saved and shared amongst a new generation of LGBTQ+ writers and readers. The entire catalog of titles published by Good Gay Poets has been archived below.

For more information about Good Gay Poets Press and related publications, check out this essay written by Charley Shivley himself: Fag Rag: The Most Loathsome Publication in the English Language. Included below are links to various other articles and essays that have been published about the press and its authors.

This archive is still under development. New materials will be added as they are recovered and digitized. Please reach out to with any questions or inquiries.


In the wake of the Stonewall rebellion in New York, gay liberation activism in Boston accelerated, including the establishment of a periodical, Lavender Vision. Initially, gay men and women worked on the newspaper together as a "69 publication," meaning half of the newspaper was devoted to gay men and half to gay women. Shortly after its initial publication, though, lesbian activists split, feeling that gay women needed a space of their own. The newspaper was relaunched as a women-centered periodical and local gay men established Fag Rag. [1]

Fag Rag was a Boston-based gay men's newspaper, published from 1971 until the early 1980s. The publishers were The Fag Rag Collective, which consisted of radical writers, artists and activists. Notable members were Larry Martin, Charley Shively, Michael Bronski, Thom Nickels, and John Mitzel. In its early years the subscription list was between 400 and 500, with an additional 4,500 copies sold on newsstands and bookstores or given away. During its run, Fag Rag published interviews with, and writing by, prominent gay and bisexual authors including William S. Burroughs, Allen Ginsberg, Christopher Isherwood, John Wieners, Arthur Evans, Allen Young, Gerard Malanga, John Rechy, Ned Rorem, and Gore Vidal. [2]

Liberated Manuscripts

A collection of manuscripts by gay poets that have gone out-of-print or are difficult to access in university libraries and special collections. Please download and share these files with as many people as possible to ensure that they are saved, read, and enjoyed. I will be scanning additional books and adding them to this page periodically. Also, please feel free to reach out if you have digital copies of a collection that you think belongs amongst the group of titles I’ve provided below. I’d be more than happy to add new work that you might have saved and want shared. Enjoy!